


  • the only one in the Czech Republic certified for heating with regenerated used oil

  • certified for heating with fuel oil

  • all certificates can be viewed here


Product description

The boiler has been designed for combustion of used (recycled) oil – motor, deep frying, transmission, hydraulic, heavy fuel oil, etc. No modification is needed when shifting from one type of oil to another. Construction ensures automatic running, with no maintenance (operation) – except for emptying the ash after about 300 hours of operation. This takes about 5 minutes.

The boiler is equipped with power regulation and regulation of adjustment to heat take-off. It starts automatically and runs to maximum power, when the heating medium (water) will be heated to the required value 40 – 80 °C. After the required temperature is reached, the power shall be decreased and the required temperature shall be maintained. If heat consumption is lower (or zero) than the minimum power of the boiler, the boiler shall switch off and wait for impulse for next start. Such operation is optimum for consumption as the boiler is started only once or twice a day. The more starting cycles, the more produced heat is lost, since each boiler works as a cooler after switch-off.

Power and efficiency 

Perfect combustion is another advantage of the boiler. The system includes a torch which is not equipped with a nozzle, but only with a narrowed point allowing oil flowing to ensure balanced operation of the boiler even for the lowest power. Minimum oil consumption is from 1 l/h, when we can gain about 10 – 12 kWh depending on the used oil. Emission is odour-and smokeless.

Efficiency of the boiler is 98 %, i.e. only 2 % of heat runs away through the chimney system. Consumption of electric power is low – ca. 150 W/h (without circulating pump). Compressed air is not needed for operation; oil is not heated up with electric power. The oil system includes tank 80 l, which is located so that the oil can be heated during operation. The oil pump doses the quantity of oil for the torch within the system while working with zero over-pressure, so the oil flow is made slower, which ensures long service life of the pump.

The boiler is made of stainless and heat-resisting materials (brass and copper), since they must withstand very high temperature and aggressivity of the burnt fuel. The material which was used prevents choking of boiler exchangers. The boiler works with nearly no wearing. Regarding the aforementioned, the consumption of oil in this boiler is nearly half when compared to other boilers, and consumption of electric power is several times lower when compared to other boilers, while keeping the same performance.

Power of the boiler can be adjusted from 15 kW to 70 kW.


Safety of the boiler is provided thanks to the control unit, which is to start the boiler, monitor maintaining of the required temperature of the heating medium (water), monitor flue gas installation, which allows adjustable performance of the boiler and safe operation. The boiler is automatically switched off in the following emergency situations:

  • Overheating of the boiler
  • Sudden decrease of temperature of the medium (bad combustion)
  • lack of fuel
  • flameout
  • blocking of flue gas output
  • interruption of air supply for the combustion chamber
  • decrease in pressure of the heated medium (water) below the specified limit